* Frame and Position
* Dance Prep
* Spotting

Frame and Position

Having a proper frame and posture is one of the key elements of becoming a better dancer. The lack of having a good frame, straight back, soft knees and keeping your chin up will cause you to not be in control of your movements and lose your balance.

Dance “Prep”

Short for “preparation”, this is the main launching point for your spins. While turns and spins may technically be the same term, we do make a small distinction. We consider a turn a type of rotational movement that does not require a wind-up prep and whose axis of rotation can move in any linear direction. You can think of these as your traditional single right turns and chan turns (a.k.a traveling turns). A spin however, requires a prep (like a wind-up) and will generally stay on an axis with a fixed location (it does not travel). We will explain how your weight should move between the feet in order to perform a proper ‘prep’ for multiple spins.


Spottingis the process of delaying the rotation of the head, relative to the body’s rotational speed, by keeping your visual focus on a fixed point in space (ooooo, I like when you talk nerdy to me). Spotting is an essential tool in order to reduce dizziness and maintain balance and dance direction, regardless on whether you are turning or spinning. Most ladies will be in partner position when spinning in salsa dancing, which means your fixed point should be your partner. A few benefits of spotting are (reference):

Keeps dancer oriented and aware of the movement, direction, and location
of the body in space.

Prevents disorientation caused by lack of visual focus.

Increases the overall speed of the rotation.

Makes the spin appear much faster and sharper than it actually is.

Reduces dizziness associated with spinning.

Do Shoes Really Matter?

This is a frequently asked question among beginners. The performance of the shoes are only as significant as your ability to use them. Your spin technique is the most important factor that will most contribute to your dance spins. Good quality dance shoes do matter, but they they only come second to your dance technique.


1. When spinning, start moving your shoulders first in the direction you’re spinning and keep them square. It is not just your feet that spins you, but your a combination of foot pressure and upper body.

2. Point your feet out in a 60 degree angle to the sides (left foot 11 o’clock, right foot 1 o’clock), not straight ahead. This will help you spin and dance with more balance and also stop those spins without tipping over. You will have more control and look better dancing.

3. Maintain good posture. Never hunch over or stick your bum out with your back arched. Good posture means that your back should be straight. Your chin should be leveled with the floor and ears should be directly over your shoulders as if you’re standing up against a wall.

4. Finding your center is very important and only accomplished with good posture. It will allow you to keep your balance (on either foot) without tipping over.

5. SPOTTING is VERY important! When starting a spin, keep your head in one place, then, when your shoulders are almost half way around, whip your head around as fast as possible in a 360 degree turn to face the same direction again. When practicing, use something to spot at (same level as your eyes).

6. Just think, if you can do 1 spin perfectly, then treat each spin as one, just repeat the same thing over and over.. 🙂

7. Getting Dizzy? When practicing multiple spins, you may find yourself getting dizzy, sometimes nauseous. Spotting helps, but if not, spin at a slower speed in the opposite direction a couple of times to “unwind” . It DOES work!

8. DO NOT practice spins with rubber-soled shoes, socks or bare feet. You will ruin your knees and ankles. Use baby powder on sticky floors and make sure to wear dance shoes.

9. Last but not lea st … PRACTICE! The only way you’re going to get good at spinning is with lots and lots of PRACTICE! Don’t get discouraged … it takes time.


1. Keep a good frame when your partner is spinning you. Frame (when spinning) means that the arm which you’re being turned with, stays in a 90 degree angle as the elbow faces down (for right turns, using right arm & left turns using left arm). Do not stretch your arm at any time. Keep your arm in front of you, corner of your eye (between 1 and 2 o’clock).

2. The speed of multiple spins are controlled by the ladies. You should spin at the pace you feel most comfortable with. If you start getting dizzy, then stop.

3. If you’re going to wear heels when you go out dancing, then wear heels to practice your spins.

4. Practice your spins until you can do it WITHOUT any help … you should be able to spin on your own, and just use your partner’s hand as a guide, your parter will give you more power to spin faster than you can on your own as well as more control and balance. With a good leader, you should be able to spin better, faster and more!

5. Spinning with your hair down, can make your life more difficult if you have long hair. Also, it makes it difficult to spot since your hair is in your eyes most of the time … You’ll find that putting your hair up in a bun, helps 100%. All Ballerinas can’t be wrong! 😉

6. Remember, when spinning on the spot, keep your heels are knees together & stay on your toes.


1. Maintain good frame. Lift your arm 1 or 2 inches above the ladies head, move your hand in a circle motion using at least 3 fingers to spin her. Maintain your frame steady and strong!

2. Give her time to prepare her feet first. When preparing the girl for a multiple spin, it is preferable to start spinning her slowly, then moving up in momentum, as she can handle it.

3. When trying to stop her multiple spins, never pull her arm to stop, gently squeeze her hand and bring her arm down when she’s almost facing you.