What is the Clave?

What is the Clave?

The clave is traditionally a wooden instrument consisting of 2 sticks which are struck together to make a clicking or tapping sound.  Nowadays, sometimes it is a plastic hollow rectangular “box” which may be hand-held or mounted on the drum set – the timbales, cowbell, cymbal, woodblock, etc.   And sometimes the clave rhythm sounds...

Salsa Dance Etiquette

Salsa Dance Etiquette

Hey Guys… Lots of you in class have been asking about etiquette on the dance floor.  I found this article from Addicted 2 Salsa which breaks down things that one should know while dancing on the dance floor… ——————————————————————————————- Top 10 behaviors for guys to avoid at the salsa clubs (and not be creepy) Posted...

Salsa Music Structure

Salsa Music Structure

Lately I have been asked several times about how to be a more musical dancer, and how to “anticipate” what’s going on in a song to adapt your dancing to the music… My obvious answer was (and is…) “listen to as much salsa music as you can”, but some people might not be satisfied with...

Salsa 10 Commandments

Salsa 10 Commandments

1) You shall not dance out of time 2) You shall not refuse a dance to a less advanced dancer 3) You shall respect other dancers on the dance floor 4) You shall not use more than 2 square metres of dance floor 5) You shall treat fellow instructors or salsa organisers as colleagues, not...

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